Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I have heard of singing in the shower....

but this is getting ridiculous!!!
Several months ago, a nest of birds set up house in the wall above our shower here in our rental home. The bathroom is downstairs and was an addition put on the back of the kitchen for the elderly woman who used to live here. Well, construction must have been cheap because not only did we freeze our butts off in the winter (the shower could've actually doubled as a meat cooler)from no insulation, apparently a hole in the siding provided the perfect home for birds.

Now, the landlord said he would come and evict the birds, (after all, they aren't paying rent!!) once the weather got warmer. Well, by that time the babies had hatched. Since I don't want to be part of the great bird massacre we now have to wait until they fly away.

Come into the bathroom any time of the day and you can hear them chirpping away. Then when momma come home with dinner it is pandemonium! Right now I am typing in the office upstairs. Tripod is in the window enjoying the sun while the momma bird is outside yelling at him thinking he is after her babies. It's like a soap opera.

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